Thursday, October 31, 2019

Analyze and discuss its content with reference to Modernism Essay

Analyze and discuss its content with reference to Modernism - Essay Example Even though the ‘rejection of the past’ and ‘belief in the process of change’ do remain the key driving forces of modernism, the question remains whether individuality, originality and self-expression do remain the copyrighted material of the modernist movement. In doing so, however, do they really have been able to tear away from the past as is suggested by Cruickshank’s definition? In the early twentieth century, America and American literature underwent a sea-change in terms of social, cultural, and political ideology. As science took quantum leaps with the Theory of Relativity, and technology broke new barriers with the advent of the ‘talkies’; literature, by default became the interpreter of the lexicology of a social class experiencing a metamorphosis. The term Modernism became a defense mechanism to ward off the illustrious pains of realism and the ostentatious extravagance of the Victorians. Literature was now meant to bridge the intellectual gap between art and society; both being mirror images of each other; while still maintaining a sense of individualism. The Earthquake of 1906 or ‘The Great Shake’ as it was known then, stripped the collective conscience of the frills and frivolity of living. People were led to turn to basic living and the stark reality of the calamity left everyone bare of any artificiality, which reflected in their thought-process, behavior, and language. The pain of existence usurped the need for affectations. The after-effects of Industrialization and the repercussions of the Great Depression led to a greater divide among the social classes with all the known and expected consequences of an economic downturn. Even though the story Odour of the Chrysanthemums was written much before the ‘Black Tuesday’ dawned, however, it closely etches out the imminent picture of the lull before the proverbial storm. According to H.G

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Review of Related Literatures and Studies Essay Example for Free

Review of Related Literatures and Studies Essay Local Studies: One of the past local studies that is relevant to our research was made way back 2009. I think it has something to help in our current issues about our researches.   On December 5, 2009, Mapua Institute of Technology finalized their research named â€Å"The effects of Computer Addiction to the Academic Performances of Mapua Institute of Technology First year Students†. It seems like familiar or should I say Same Title but in our research we include Computer Games Addiction and also its effect on academic performance on selected freshmen CCIS students. This research was made by 4 Mapua Students. In their research, they interviewed 16 first year students about study habits and computer addiction. As the survey results, 11 participants were classified computer addicts. The results of that survey back 2009 showed that computer addicts spends more time playing computer than studying. Their research also concluded that computer addiction have lead students to have a declining grade on their academic performances of first year students in the said University. With the help of this past research, we can make our research stronger and more useful. It will give us more information and ideas that are related to what are the goals we want to achieve. Philline Kate Vera C. Palaà ±a, Juan Paolo D. Rabacio,Marjorie Maralit, Nidia P.D.C. Andrade. The-Effects-of-Computer-Addiction-to-the-Academic-Performances-of-Mapua-Institute-of-Technology-First-Year-Students. 5 December 2009. Philline Kate Vera C. Palaà ±aJuan Paolo D. RabacioMarjorie Maralit Nidia P.D.C. AndradeMapua Institute of Technology. Local Literature: â€Å"Video games will ruin your children’s future†- Cesar Tolentino, a Market Research Analyst and Consultant here in the Philippines. In his blog/ article on, where the title of his featured blog is â€Å"Turning the tide: Changing the Filipino Outlook Towards Gaming†. He stated there that â€Å"there are cases of overuse and abuse among gamers for online games in the country, we should advocate responsible gaming†. In this case, many students failed in their academic performance because of too much playing or becoming addict in computer games. He stated also, † It’s all a matter of mind conditioning. Often those who became so addicted to games and suffered low grades or failures in school also have family problems. Responsible gamers know their priorities. There are actually many valedictorians and dean’s listers who play video and computer games too.† I think this will help us in finding the reason why many students keep playing computer games at all. Tolentino, Cesar. features/turning-the-tide-changing-the-filipino-outlook-towards-gaming/. 6 July 2011.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Divorce Separation Children

Divorce Separation Children Divorce is the separation of husband and wife after being legally married. Most times the divorce process is very painful to the couples, but the most affected are the children who lack the mechanism to fully comprehend the basis of their parents separation. This paper is going to look at the effects of this process depending on the age of the child. Introduction The separation of a husband and wife in a divorce situation can have serious and devastating effects not only for the separating couples but to the children as well. Often times the divorcing couples are too consumed with their own emotional burdens to clearly understand the trauma the divorce causes to the children. Children seemingly bear the brunt of the separation especially psychologically. (Emery, R. E., 96) However, not all divorces end up hurting children. Children in an abusive and violent marriage may in fact be spared much of the physiological torture if the parents just separated. Thus divorce can sometimes be a welcome process for the well being of the children. (Emery, R. E., 126) Various studies have in fact indicated that some children actually thrive better after being brought up in a divorce environment. Children become more responsible and loving especially because they are raised by a single parent. However, it is critical to note that the negative effects much more outweigh the positive effects. (Emery, R. E., 46) So, how are children affected by divorce? Sociologists, psychologists and other researchers have continued to study out this question and sometimes it has generated so much controversy. But all agree that indeed divorce most often times is not good for children especially when the family unit is put at risk. Studies have continued to show that children equate divorce to the pain of death of one of the parent. The experience itself brings great loss, sadness, grief and in many cases confusion to the affected children. Children may also end up blaming themselves for what has happened and tend to think that parents do not love them any more. (Emery, R. E.,123) Research world over has continued to indicate that the effects of divorce differ because of various factors; depends on the age of the child at the time of divorce, gender and personality of the child, the level of family/friends support and the extent of the conflict between the parents Age of children Divorce does not have any serious effects on children less than 3 years. Children below this age might not have the opportunity to understand conflict and might not have developed so much of a serious relationship with one of the parents. Nevertheless, if the relationship had established a bond, it may have some short-term effects. The only thing that might affect these children is the low mood and energy level of the parent albeit for a short while. This effect may be characterized by appetite lose, or upset stomach including vomiting. (Emery, R. E., 132) Children between 3-5 years are in a position to understand conflict and divorce will have an obvious effect on their well-being. Children at this age end up believing that they are the cause of the divorce, and blame themselves for it. For example they might reason out that if they ate their dinner or obeyed when told to do so, daddy wouldnt have left. The children at this age fear being left alone and would behave like toddlers by unknowingly wetting their beds, wanting their security blankets and old toys. They may end up being depressed, angry and uncooperative. They may also resort to aggressive and disobedient behavior. (Emery, R. E., 135) Children at the age of 6-10 years are school-age children. Many psychologists believe that this is the worst age where the effects of divorce are felt. Children at this age have the capacity to understand the pain brought about by the separation of the parents. However, they lack the capability to understand how to control their reactions to the pain caused. (Emery, R. E., 142) The school-aged children may experience severe psychological turmoil like embarrassment, grief, resentment, divided loyalty and at times intense anger. They may also feel rejected by the leaving parent and have cases of stomachaches and headaches. These children can cope easily with the situation if they get involved actively with play and other activities with their peers (Emery, R. E., 145) Children aged between 10-16 are already pre-teens or teens and are now adolescents. They are in a position to understand the reasons leading up to the divorce. This is because they can easily remember the stress and conflict preceding such a divorce. Such ability to remember may at the some time interfere with the capability to handle the changes that occur in the family. (Emery, R. E., 155) The teen may also be faced with emotional strain because of the pressure of trying to side with one parent as opposed to the other. This would involve faulting one parent over the other as the sole cause for the divorce. (Emery, R. E., 156) At this age they are likely to experience anger, depression, loneliness and guilt. They also end up taking various responsibilities to fill in the gap the parent has left. Such responsibilities would include house chores and caring for other siblings. This may make them feel pushed to adult-hood. Some in response to the low energy and high stress levels from the parent may want to take control of the family. The teens at this time also would be undergoing various sexual changes and may get affected because of lack of parental support. (Emery, R. E., 159) Witnessing the pain of divorce may also have serious implication on the teens perception on how well they would stay in a marriage in the future. (Emery, R. E., 159) Gender effects Various research findings have revealed that gender of the child plays a significant role on the effects of divorce on the respective children. It has been seen that boys raised by their fathers and girls raised by their mothers do better than vice versa. Boys of school age, who live with their fathers, seem to be less aggressive and have low emotional problems compared to boys living with their mothers who lack any contact with the fathers. (Emery, R. E., 164) On the other hand, girls raised by their mothers seem to be more responsible and mature than those ones raised by the fathers. (Emery, R. E., 164) Conclusion All said and done divorce has devastating and traumatic effects on the children. However the society at large has the responsibility of making it easier for the children. When parents are well supported through the divorce process especially how to incorporate the children can play a major role to alleviate serious implications. The most important thing for the children would be to adjust to the changes and the quality of child-parent relationship would come in handy Works Cited Emery, R. E. (1988): Marriage, divorce and childrens adjustments. Newbury Park,CA:Sage.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The No Child Left Behind Act: Impact on the Assessment of Special Educa

The No Child Left Behind Act: Impact on the Assessment of Special Education Students Three years after the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) moved into our schools there is a great deal of controversy that questions whether the act implemented by President George W. Bush is helping or hurting an already suffering school system. There are many dimensions of the NCLB act that have been questioned over the past three years; the fair assessment of students with disabilities is one of them. As the National Center for Fair & Open Testing (NCFOT) reported, the public relations aspect of this act is strong. However, all other areas of the new law are falling short of meeting their goals. In an annual report card developed by the NCFOT in 2005 accountability was rated with a ?D? and high-quality assessments with an ?F?. They further explain that Bush?s act encourages the use of commercial testing where they should be using classroom based assessments. Also, the accountability is somewhat misleading and can cause schools that are moving forward to turn into test-prep schools (NCFOT, 2005). While this report card focuses on how the NCLB act affects all subgroups in education, it is important to look at one group in particular; the special education students. President Bush?s NCLB act is forcing special education students to perform on statewide assessments that are above their intelligence level and are often requiring them to pass the assessments in order to receive a high school diploma. This often causes teachers, such as Lindley Corcoran, a special education teacher at Sheppard Pratt private school for students with severe disabilities, to teach to the test rather than teach practical functional skills which she believes will be ... ...ting Office. Fair Test. (2005). The National Center for Fair & Open Testing. Retrieved from Goldhaber, D. (2002). What might go wrong with the accountability measures of the ?No Child Left Behind Act The Urban Institute. Improving accountability for limited English proficient and special education students under the No Child Left Behind Act. (2003). Washington Area School Study Council. No educator left behind: Testing special education students. (2003). Retrieved March 18, 2005, from Olson, L. (2004). Data show schools making progress on federal goals. Education Week, 24, 24-28. Retrieved from Tomes, H. Ph.D. (2004). In public interest: Are we really leaving no child behind? American Psychologist, 35, 31-35. Retrieved from

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Personality Traits and Characteristics Essay

I had assumed that analyzing my own personality would be an easier task than analyzing the personality of a famous historical person. I made this assumption based on the thought that I knew myself extremely well. However, as I sat down to write this analysis, I drew a blank. I was unsure what to write about my own personality traits and characteristics. As a result of this difficulty, I completed the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator to achieve some insight into my own personality. I also interviewed family members to gather information about my personality that was clear and unbiased. The two approaches I have chosen to complete this self-analysis are Carl Jung’s Attitude and Functions and Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development theories. Carl Jung’s personality theories cover an extremely wide array of ideas regarding the human psyche, or all psychological processes. As a result of this I have chosen to focus on his theories of attitudes and functions. According to Jung, psychological types are a result of various combinations of two basic attitudes and four functions. These attitudes and functions are responsible for our ways of perceiving the environment and orienting experiences. The two basic attitudes of Jung’s theory are extraversion, in which the psyche is oriented outward to the objective world, and introversion, in which the psyche is oriented inward to the subjective world. The four functions include thinking, feeling, sensing and intuition (Engler, 2009). After a considerable amount of research, I concluded that I was an introverted feeler. I tend to be shy and quiet, especially in social situations. As a result I have experienced difficulty developing friendships and relationships with others. I am also a hypersensitive, emotional person. I have been concerned with personal values, attitudes and beliefs my entire life. When I carefully thought about how I come to make decisions, judgments or conclusions, I realized that I do so based on my emotions. My family verified that I am an introverted feeler during their interviews. To expand on my knowledge and understanding of my personality type, I completed the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. This specific test sorts individuals into groups based on the following dichotomies: Extraversion-Introversion (EI), Sensing-Intuition (SN), Thinking-Feeling (TF), and Judgment-Perception (JP) (Engler, 2009). The result of this test was the personality profile was ISFJ, which stands for introverted sensing feeling judging. Many, if not all of my personality traits and characteristics fit perfectly with the ISFJ personality type. I have always had a strong need to â€Å"be needed† by others. I have often struggled with feelings that others did not appreciate my accurate, thorough work at home and in the work place. My perfectionist tendencies have often caused problems for me and cause me to be overly critical of myself. I have often felt taken advantage of by employers and friends because of my loyal and giving tendencies. I have always been the person who worked other people’s shifts or gave friends rides, even when I had other important things to do. Typically, I function best in small groups or one-on-one situations because I am empathetic and sympathetic with others. I frequently overanalyze other’s behaviors and sometimes interpret them as rejection. I am also easily embarrassed. I dislike confrontation and I have extreme difficulty hiding or articulating distress (Heiss, 2007). Another article found on the CG Jung organization website mentioned the affects of the R. A. S. , or Reticular Activating System, has on an individuals personality traits and characteristics. The R. A. S. regulates our stable level of wakefulness, is linked to anxiety and makes it possible for individuals to focus their attention. According to this article, people who are highly aroused take in more information per second than the average person and subsequently needs to diminish or limit the â€Å"volume† of stimulation around them. This is what makes a person an introvert. Introverts are overloaded with information more quickly, and due to that introverts often have chronic anxiety, as well as a negative attitude towards life (Benziger, 2007). I myself have struggled with anxiety and negative attitudes, which led to depression. Due to the fact that I am easily overwhelmed, I tend to sleep excessively. Sleep gives my brain a break from the overstimulation I experience in everyday life. Erikson’s psychosocial stages of development are centered on the polarity that children encounter during certain phases of their life. This theory proposes eight epigenetic stages, each entailing its own life crisis in which an individual can turn one of two ways. Each psychosocial stage provides the individual with opportunities for certain basic virtues to develop (Engler, 2009). However, I am only going to focus on the first six stages of Erikson’s development because I have not been through the other two stages. The first developmental stage is trust versus mistrust, which occurs during infancy. This is when an infant learns whether or not the world can be trusted. If dependable care is given and the infant’s needs are met, the basic virtue of hope will develop (Engler, 2009). I was adopted in my infancy and given more than adequate care. I personally do not believe that my adoption caused me any issues until my later years. The second psychosocial stage is autonomy versus shame and doubt, which arises during the second and third year of life. This stage deals with a toddler’s ability to control their body and bodily activities, as well as independence. The basic virtue that develops at this stage of life is will. Erikson’s third stage is initiative versus guilt, which occurs at three to five years. At this point in time, children are focused on mastering new skills and tasks. If a child prevails, the basic virtue that will arise is purpose. The fourth psychosocial stage is industry versus inferiority, which occurs during ages six to eleven. During this stage children must learn to master skills that they will need to be successful in society. If a child successfully does so, they will develop a sense of competence (Engler, 2009). I do not recall experiencing anything incredibly difficult during these three psychosocial stages of development. I know that my parents had gotten a divorce at age three, which was somewhat confusing for me, but it did not really damage me psychologically in any way. I do remember being incredibly attached to my mother during these stages however, and was typically upset or anxious if I was separated from her. When I was around the age of five, my family moved a short distance to a house in Baldwinsville. The adjustment was easy for me. At age seven, my mother got remarried, in my life long before he and my mother were married. He had always treated my sister and I as his own children. For that, I am extremely grateful. The hardest thing I remember experiencing was moving from Baldwinsville to Liverpool, when I was about to turn eleven years old. I was very anxious, but adapted to my new surroundings with ease. I also did well in elementary school academically and developed a close friendship with another girl during this time period suggesting consistent with Erikson’s ideas of mastery in middle childhood. Ego identity versus role confusion is the fifth stage of development, which occurs during ages twelve to eighteen, and involves establishing an identity and viewing ones self as a productive member of society. During this stage an individual will develop the basic virtue of fidelity. This was a stage in which I struggled. I was beginning to understand what adoption was and had a very difficult time understanding why my birth mother would just give me away. I plunged into an identity crisis at this stage of my life and temporarily developed a negative identity, which was in contrast with my personal values and upbringing. I was also a victim of sexual assault at this time, which diminished my self-confidence and sense of self worth even further. I do believe that my mother’s occupation during my adolescent years complicated my life to a certain extent. Having a mother who is superintendent of the school district I was attending made me feel alienated from my peers and I found it more difficult to make connections with others. The sixth and final psychosocial stage I will be discussing is intimacy versus isolation, takes place during the eighteenth to twenty-fourth years of life. At this time young adults must be able to overcome the fear of ego loss and form a close affiliation with another individual. It is at this point that the basic virtue of love can potentially be established (Engler, 2009). I am currently in this psychosocial stage myself and am struggling. Recently, I escaped a very emotionally and physically abusive relationship, which damaged me psychologically. I also have experienced two significant losses in my life, which I have just begun recovering from. As said previously, the other two stages I have not experienced yet and therefore will not be addressing in this paper. I chose Jung and Erikson’s theories to complete a self-analysis because I felt that they best defined my own personality. I found the results of this analysis extremely accurate and insightful. However, certain aspects of my personality were left out. I believe that some of my traits and characteristics are hereditary while others were learned by watching those close to me over the years. My twin sister and I both have attention deficit disorders, which causes us to be extremely moody and impulsive. Both of us are very opinionated and stubborn individuals. Clearly, some behaviors are a result of genetics. I found this paper very useful in my own self-exploration. It helped me readily identify some of my neurotic tendencies and their possible causes. I plan on using what I have learned from this experience to make necessary changes so that I can lead a happier, healthier life with less neurotic symptoms.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Fatty Arbuckle Scandal and Trials

Fatty Arbuckle Scandal and Trials At a raucous, three-day party in September 1921, a young starlet became severely ill and died four days later. Newspapers went wild with the story: popular silent-screen comedian Roscoe Fatty Arbuckle had killed Virginia Rappe with his weight while savagely raping her. Though the newspapers of the day reveled in the gory, rumored details, juries found little evidence that Arbuckle was in any way connected with her death. What happened at that party and why was the public so ready to believe Fatty was guilty? Fatty Arbuckle Roscoe Fatty Arbuckle had long been a performer. When he was a teenager, Arbuckle traveled the West Coast on the vaudeville circuit. In 1913, at the age of 26, Arbuckle hit the big time when he signed with Mack Sennetts Keystone Film Company and became one of the Keystone Kops. Arbuckle was heavy- he weighed somewhere between 250 and 300 pounds- and that was part of his comedy. He moved gracefully, threw pies, and humorously tumbled. In 1921, Arbuckle signed a three-year contract with Paramount for $1 million- an unheard-of amount at the time, even in Hollywood. To celebrate just having finished three pictures at the same time and to celebrate his new contract with Paramount, Arbuckle and a couple of friends drove up from Los Angeles to San Francisco on Saturday, September 3, 1921, for some Labor Day weekend revelry. The Party Arbuckle and friends checked into the St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco. They were on the twelfth floor in a suite that contained rooms 1219, 1220, and 1221 (room 1220 was the sitting room). On Monday, September 5, the party started early. Arbuckle greeted visitors in his pajamas and though this was during Prohibition, large quantities of liquor were  being drunk. Around 3 oclock, Arbuckle retired from the party in order to get dressed to go sight-seeing with a friend. What happened in the following ten minutes is disputed. Delmonts version:Bambina Maude Delmont, who frequently set-up famous people in order to blackmail them, claims that Arbuckle herded 26-year-old Virginia Rappe into his bedroom and said, Ive waited for this a long time, Delmont says that a few minutes later party-goers could hear screams from Rappe coming from the bedroom. Delmont claims she tried to open the door, even kick it in, but couldnt get it open. When Arbuckle opened the door, supposedly Rappe was found naked and bleeding behind him.Arbuckles version:Arbuckle says that when he retired to his room to change clothes, he found Rappe vomiting in his bathroom. He then helped clean her up and led her to a nearby bed to rest. Thinking she was just overly intoxicated, he left her to rejoin the party. When he returned to the room just a few minutes later, he found Rappe on the floor. After putting her back on the bed, he left the room to get help. When others then entered the room, they found Rappe tearing at her clothes (something that has been claimed she did often when she was drunk). Party guests tried a number of strange treatments, including covering Rappe with ice, but she still wasnt getting any better. Eventually, the hotel staff was contacted and Rappe was taken to another room to rest. With others looking after Rappe, Arbuckle left for the sight-seeing tour and then drove back to Los Angeles. Rappe Dies Rappe was not taken to the hospital on that day. And though she didnt improve, she wasnt taken to the hospital for three days because most people who visited her considered her condition to be caused by liquor. On Thursday, Rappe was taken to the Wakefield Sanitorium, a maternity hospital known for giving abortions. Virginia Rappe died the following day from peritonitis, caused by a ruptured bladder. Arbuckle was soon arrested and charged with the murder of Virginia Rappe. Yellow Journalism The papers went wild with the  story. Some articles stated Arbuckle had crushed Rappe with his weight, while others said he had raped her with a foreign object (the papers went into graphic details). In the newspapers, Arbuckle was assumed guilty and Virginia Rappe was an innocent, young girl. The papers excluded reporting that Rappe had a history of numerous abortions, with some evidence stating she might have had another a short time before the party. William Randolph Hearst, the symbol of yellow journalism, had his  San Francisco Examiner  cover the story. According to Buster Keaton, Hearst boasted that Arbuckles story sold more papers than the  sinking of the Lusitania. The public reaction to Arbuckle was fierce. Perhaps even more than the specific charges of rape and murder, Arbuckle became a symbol of Hollywoods immorality. Movie houses across the country almost immediately stopped showing Arbuckles movies. The public was angry and they were using Arbuckle as a target. The Trials With the scandal as front-page news on almost every newspaper, it was difficult to get an unbiased jury. The first Arbuckle trial began on November 1921 and charged Arbuckle with manslaughter. The trial was thorough and Arbuckle took the stand to share his side of the story. The jury was hung with a 10 to 2 vote for acquittal. Because the first trial ended with a hung jury, Arbuckle was tried again. In the second Arbuckle trial, the defense did not present a very thorough case and Arbuckle did not take the stand. The jury saw this as an admission of guilt and deadlocked in a 10 to 2 vote for conviction. In the third trial, which began on March 1922, the defense again became pro-active. Arbuckle testified, repeating his side of the story. The main prosecution witness, Zey Prevon, had escaped house arrest and left the country. For this trial, the jury deliberated for only a couple of minutes and came back with a verdict of not guilty. Additionally, the jury wrote an apology to Arbuckle: Acquittal is not enough for Roscoe Arbuckle. We feel that a great injustice has been done him. We feel also that it was our only plain duty to give him this exoneration. There was not the slightest proof adduced to connect him in any way with the commission of a crime.He was manly throughout the case and told a straightforward story on the witness stand, which we all believed.The happening at the hotel was an unfortunate affair for which Arbuckle, so the evidence shows, was in no way responsible.We wish him success and hope that the American people will take the judgment of fourteen men and women who have sat listening for thirty-one days to the evidence that  Roscoe Arbuckle  is entirely innocent and free from all blame. Fatty Blacklisted Being acquitted was not the end to Roscoe Fatty Arbuckles problems. In response to the Arbuckle scandal, Hollywood established a self-policing organization that was to be known as the Hays Office. On April 18, 1922, Will Hays, the president of the new organization, banned Arbuckle from filmmaking. Though Hays lifted the ban in December of the same year, the damage was done Arbuckles career had been destroyed. A Short Come-Back For years, Arbuckle had trouble finding work. He eventually began directing under the name William B. Goodrich (similar to the name his friend Buster Keaton suggested Will B. Good). Though Arbuckle had begun a come-back and had signed with Warner Brothers in 1933 to act in some comedy shorts, he was never to see his popularity regained. After a small one-year anniversary party with his new wife on June 29, 1933, Arbuckle went to bed and suffered a fatal heart attack in his sleep. He was 46.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Jorge Amado

In Itabuna county, Southern Bahia, Brazil. Jorge Amado born in August 10, 1912 to Eulalia Leal Amado de Faria and Joao Amado de Faira. Jorge Amado is well known for his some thirty volumes of fiction, theater, biography, memoirs, poetry, travel literature, and children’s stories. The early Jorge. When Jorge was one year old, his father was wounded by an assanin’s bullet in an ambush at the Auricidia farm house. An year later Jorge and his family had to move to Ferradas and Ilheus because a flood destroyed Auricidia. At the age of six Jorge enrolls in school at Ilheus. Also his first brother Jofre was born. In 1922 Jorge enrolled in borading school at Colegio Antonio Vieria in Salvador, Bahia. Jorge didn’t really like borading school so he ran away to his grandparents house in rural Sergpe state in Brazil. In 1925 Jorge enrolls back to school again at Colegio Ipirango in Salvador. Araujo 2 Jorge got a job as a reporter for Diario da Bahia and that when his career in writing started. In 1929 he published a novel written with Dias da Costa and Edison Carreiro in Rio de Janeiro. Later he moved to Rio de Janeiro to finish preparatory course. In 1031 Jorge was admitted to National Law school in Rio. Meanwhile he published his first solo Novel O Pais do Carnaval. Two years later he published his second novel Cacau. The ssame year was when he fell in love and married his wife Matilde Garica Rosa. His novels was translated in thirty different languages. The first novel the was translated was Cacau. It was translated in Spanish. In 1935 he published his forth novel Jubiaba and he also graduated from law school but he refused to get his diploma. Also that year the Russian version of Cacau and Suor was published. In 1936 Jorge was Jailed briefly in Rio by Vargas government because he supported an abortive military revolt against the Vargas regime. Jorge traveled to Rio Grande do Sul, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Mex... Free Essays on Jorge Amado Free Essays on Jorge Amado In Itabuna county, Southern Bahia, Brazil. Jorge Amado born in August 10, 1912 to Eulalia Leal Amado de Faria and Joao Amado de Faira. Jorge Amado is well known for his some thirty volumes of fiction, theater, biography, memoirs, poetry, travel literature, and children’s stories. The early Jorge. When Jorge was one year old, his father was wounded by an assanin’s bullet in an ambush at the Auricidia farm house. An year later Jorge and his family had to move to Ferradas and Ilheus because a flood destroyed Auricidia. At the age of six Jorge enrolls in school at Ilheus. Also his first brother Jofre was born. In 1922 Jorge enrolled in borading school at Colegio Antonio Vieria in Salvador, Bahia. Jorge didn’t really like borading school so he ran away to his grandparents house in rural Sergpe state in Brazil. In 1925 Jorge enrolls back to school again at Colegio Ipirango in Salvador. Araujo 2 Jorge got a job as a reporter for Diario da Bahia and that when his career in writing started. In 1929 he published a novel written with Dias da Costa and Edison Carreiro in Rio de Janeiro. Later he moved to Rio de Janeiro to finish preparatory course. In 1031 Jorge was admitted to National Law school in Rio. Meanwhile he published his first solo Novel O Pais do Carnaval. Two years later he published his second novel Cacau. The ssame year was when he fell in love and married his wife Matilde Garica Rosa. His novels was translated in thirty different languages. The first novel the was translated was Cacau. It was translated in Spanish. In 1935 he published his forth novel Jubiaba and he also graduated from law school but he refused to get his diploma. Also that year the Russian version of Cacau and Suor was published. In 1936 Jorge was Jailed briefly in Rio by Vargas government because he supported an abortive military revolt against the Vargas regime. Jorge traveled to Rio Grande do Sul, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Mex...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Mary Whiton Calkins essays

Mary Whiton Calkins essays Mary Whiton Calkins was born on March 30, 1863 in Hartford, Connecticut, but spent most of her childhood in Buffalo, New York. Mary was the oldest of five children born to her Puritan mother and minister father. According to some sources, Calkins father had a great distrust of public education, and preferred educating his children by boarding them with French and German families. It is recorded, though, that Mary Calkins graduated from an established high school in Newton, Massachusetts. Calkins indicated her interest in philosophy in high school by writing a graduation essay entitled "The Apology Plato should have written: a vindication of the character Xantippi." Johnson, 1997 Calkins entered Smith College in 1882 as a sophomore, but left the following spring when her sister became ill and died. She remained home the following academic year, studying Greek and tutoring two of her younger brothers. Calkins re-entered Smith College in the fall of 1984 with senior standing and graduated the following spring with a degree concentrated in classics and philosophy. (Johnson, 1997) After Calkins graduation from Smith, she spent a year studying social and economic issues with a womens organization called the Newton Social Science Club. Calkins researched her first paper entitled Sharing the Profits (1888), during this period (Johnson, 1997). The following year, Calkins, and her family went on a journey to Europe where Calkins attended Leipzig University for a short while and studied with Wilhelm Wundt. (McHenry, 1995). The Calkins family traveled on to Greece where Mary studied Modern Greek (Johnson, 1997). Calkins began her career in academia immediately upon her return when she was offered a position as a Greek teacher at Wellesley College. During her time at Wellesley, Calkins made her interests in philosophy known and she was recommended to fulfill the position of teaching courses i...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Introduction to Modern Art and Visual Culture of France Essay

Introduction to Modern Art and Visual Culture of France - Essay Example The essay "Introduction to Modern Art and Visual Culture of France" discovers modern art in France during 18th-19th century. Some of the works that were so famous during the 18 th and 19 th century France would be the interpretation of Roger Fry on Bloomsbury. You can see that in his work he depicted leisure in such a way that would tell greatly of the influences of the post impressionism movement where it was full of passion towards advanced and avant-garde French art that was centered on analysis of sensation and consciousness. His art was known for as subjects for passionate contemplation and communion which translates to aesthetic experience and pursuit of knowledge. This is because of the fact that during â€Å"Post Impressionism† people have already reached advanced knowledge. Aside from that, his art also has a lot of influence from the social class he belonged to as he was one of the prominent members of the Bloomsbury group thus, his life was all about limitless enjoy ment of modern life and enjoyment of utmost knowledge and technology. Another popular art that portrayed leisure in the 18 th and 19 th century France would be â€Å"Madame Matisse† by Henri Matisse. This was the painting he used to portray his wife where you can see the influences of what social class they belonged to in society, and at the same time reflecting political and social environment. In this painting, you will see how his wife was portrayed as a rich woman having full of contrasts of different colors.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Discuss the similarities and differences between organisms in the Essay

Discuss the similarities and differences between organisms in the domains Bacteria and Archaea - Essay Example Archaea cell wall does not have a cell membrane and peptidoglycan and utilizes ether-linked lipids compared to an ester-linked lipids used by bacteria (Decker and Hinton, 2013). Archaea flagella developed from type IV pili bacterial while bacterial flagella advanced from type III secretion system. Bacterial flagellum is hollow and appears alike a stalk assembled by subunits that move up freely on the central pore causing a growth on the tip of flagella while, in archaea, flagella subunits grow at the base The reproduction of Archaea is asexual utilizing binary fission process, fragmentation and budding. Bacterial reproduction is asexually through a process binary fission, fragmentation budding, but bacteria show a unique ability by forming spores that enable them remain dormant for many years, characteristics not displayed by Archaea. Growth of bacteria follows three phases, the lag phase where cells adaptation to the environment, log phase where exponential growth happens and stationary phase when depletion of nutrients occur (Szukics, Hackl,and Zechmeister, 2012). Archaea survives in places and environment of extreme and cruel conditions like springs, marshlands, salt lakes, oceans, ruminants gut, and humans. Bacteria are everywhere and found in soil, radioactive waste, hot springs, organic matter, plants and animals bodies. These two microorganisms have a difference in biochemical and genetic ways (Mao, Yannarell, Davis, and Mackie 2013). Szukics, U., Hackl, E., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., & Sessitsch, A. (2012). Rapid and dissimilar response of ammonia oxidizing archaea and bacteria to nitrogen and water amendment in two temperate forest soils.  Microbiological research,  167(2), 103-109. Mao, Y., Yannarell, A. C., Davis, S. C., & Mackie, R. I. (2013). Impact of different bioenergy crops on N†cycling bacterial and archaeal communities in soil.  Environmental microbiology,  15(3),

Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Questions - Essay Example Therefore each individual may have unique personalities due to unique life experiences and their interpretations. These are products of the concept of self leading to individual perceptions and feelings which ultimately strive to maintain and enhance the person. As indicated in Roger's theory of self-actualization, the human behavior, which is essentially an expression of human actions in the social environment actually emanates from "self." The concept of self as indicated in Roger is "organized, consistent, conceptual gestalt composed of perceptions of the characteristics" of self and its relationships to others and various other aspects of life along with "the values attached to these perceptions." Therefore self does exist which essentially thrives in personal perceptions, feelings about one's own, perceptions about strengths and weaknesses, and interpretations about interrelations. In this way social experiences and their perceptions in the context of self shape the "self" when it continues to become fulfilled through its natural tendency to encounter new experiences. The concept of self-actualization contends that people can become fully functional with freedom and emotional support leading to a psychological growth. Each individual has a real self comprising of self perceptions and an ideal self which represents the individual's desire gained from experiences. When these two "self"s are congruent without any conflicts there is no need for adjustment leading to a seamless growth of self leading to the fullest possible functioning, where movement toward personality dimensions such as flexibility, autonomy, and self-acceptance are without events. Lack of self-actualization, on the contrary may lead to lack of self-esteem, lack of flexibility, feelings of inferiority, and other negative emotions. Therefore, formation of self values from experiences in public, private, and natural dimensions and the strong senses of these values impart flexibility to personality which can create another opportunity to enrich self. It means ideal and values gained an d perceived from experiences impart new strengths regardless of external or internal pressures. Personality is experienced to be unchanging or perceived to be constant as a result of personal biases and tendency to selectivity in attending those elements of the person's phenomenal field that are consistent with his prior experience. Q4. The role of past experiences in shaping personality: How do life experiences affect personality Since personality is a byproduct of real-world experiences and attachment of meaning to it by self, the personality is considered to be a derivative of experiences and feelings. A person thus will be having various experiences which would continue to shape the personality as the meanings of personal experiences alter. This would mean every individual will have unique past experiences and their subjective interpretations uniquely configured leading to development

SOLAR WIND Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

SOLAR WIND - Essay Example This would result in the gas from the corona, in its several million degrees, streaming away from the Sun at a speed much higher than the escape speed. The wind, being a plasma flow of high speed would carry along trapped magnetic fields. The solar wind would create the heliosphere described by Zeilik (265) as a massive bubble existing in the interstellar medium surrounding the Solar System. The heliosphere, at the solar minimum would be dominated by high latitude fast solar wind, but the slow variable wind emanating from all latitudes would dominate at and when approaching the solar. As the solar wind would be flowing away from the Sun to fill the heliosphere, it would interact with solar system bodies, including planets in various complex ways. The nature of interaction would be determined with whether the target has generated magnetic field internally such as the Earth, Mercury and other giant outer plants or not such as the comets, the Moon, Venus and Mars. According to Zeilik (265), the solar wind whips at typically 500 km/s at the orbit of the earth with the speed varying because the wind blows in gusts. The said particles, electrons and protons would take 5 days to travel from the Sun to the Earth. As the earth swims through the resultant solar spray, Matthaeus notes that it would catch some of the particles of the solar wind in its magnetic field leading to the creation of its magnetosphere. The solar wind’s plasma, travelling as far as 100 AU, much farther than the orbit of Pluto would carry along with it remnants of the magnetic field of the Sun. It is this transported field that Zeilik (265) attributes to the formation of the magnetic field that exists between planets. This field would interact with comets forming tails, and with planets forming magnetospheres. The comets’ plasma tails and the aurorae have been noted to point away from the sun. The interaction of the solar winds with the magnetosphere through the temporary

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Sociology - mental illness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Sociology - mental illness - Essay Example Nonetheless, there are no observed variance in the rates of severe mental illnesses like schizophrenia and bipolar depression. Numerous theories have been put forward for the gender differences in the incidence of mental health problems and women's susceptibility to depression. These can be grouped in three broad categories -- biological theories, psychological theories, and social theories (Stoppard, 2000). Theories categorized as biological highlight the "medical model" of mental illness, and in relation to women, customarily point to the notion of hereditability and the role played by their physiology in the origins and manifestations of mental illness. Interestingly though, the extensive cross-cultural differences identified in rates of depression call into question elucidations based on a simple medical model. When probing gender differences in connection with psychological development, the vital role performed by gender-specific socialization and coping patterns has been underscored (Nolen-Hoeksema, 1995; Busfield, 2002). Therefore, the diverse mental health problems experienced by men and women are now considered to signify a gendered expression of mutual basic emotional obstacles and inconveniences. These psychological developmental theories are substantiated by concrete proofs from longitudinal studies which display and reveal the variance in boys' and girls' mental health which begins to emerge at the inception of puberty, when adult social roles are to a great extent, assumed and embraced (Kornstein and Wojcik, 2002). In addition, the 1998 WHO Report declared that women's health is inextricably associated with their status in society. It gains from equality and puts up with (WHO, 1998). For instance, in Ireland, female gender is still an indicator of lower status, diminished participation in decision-making and lower pay. Likewise, women are deprived and prejudiced by the many roles they had to perform in society - carers, partners and workers and all through their lives, women are more likely to be gravely affected by physical and sexual abuse (WHO, 2001), which can trigger and pave the way for severe physical and mental health ramifications. Further, studies have concluded that the psychological and emotional damage brought about by social factors is further aggravated in cases of social disadvantage. A constant reverse relationship has been identified between social class and mental health (Prior, 1999; WHO, 2003; Women's Health Council, 2003), and women have been steadily found to be at greater risk of falling into poverty than men (Combat Poverty Agency, 2002). For this reason, greater contextualisation of mental health difficulties within social realities is necessary. This is particularly true when studying and analysing women's most common mental health problems, which are essentially controlled and affected by gendered perspectives of women's suitable conduct and role in society and by the

Operation Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Operation Analysis - Essay Example Corporate contract bookings were also increased as a result. The average revenue earned by the Business and corporate segment together amounted to 40% of total revenue in Year 1. The percentage remained constant in year 1, and the same two segments with average revenue earnings of 38% approx. also support the current revenue. The company, however, is striving hard in the marketing department to increase its leisure standard and premium sales that are expected to be increased in July due to holidays and successful marketing campaigns. Total revenues of the company were observed to be lowest in February this year with $0.8 million. This also had a negative impact on cash flows of the company. However, the subsequent increase in advertisement expenditures and holiday’s factor, the revenues were reported in this month to be equal to $1.1 million approx. with a net profit of $0.18 million. Departmental financial analysis revealed that departmental profits of the company had increased over time and this month’s departmental profits were reported to be 62% as compared to 54% last year. The growth in profit percentage was due to the cost control measures adopted in the food and beverages expenses, which successfully resulted in the total expenses to be 68% as compared to 95% in the last year. The room services in which profits net of departmental expense were 45% earned major revenues of the company. Cost control measures were also adopted in the administrative and general expenses, which resulted in a decrease of expenses to 12% as compared to 17% last year. Marketing and sales, however, were increased slightly due to the advertisement campaigns and discounts offered by the company to increase the summer sales packages. Fixed expenses of the company were reported to be performing positively, and the positive decline in total fixed expenses was observed. Fixed expenses this month were 13.4% as against 18.4% reported in

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

SOLAR WIND Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

SOLAR WIND - Essay Example This would result in the gas from the corona, in its several million degrees, streaming away from the Sun at a speed much higher than the escape speed. The wind, being a plasma flow of high speed would carry along trapped magnetic fields. The solar wind would create the heliosphere described by Zeilik (265) as a massive bubble existing in the interstellar medium surrounding the Solar System. The heliosphere, at the solar minimum would be dominated by high latitude fast solar wind, but the slow variable wind emanating from all latitudes would dominate at and when approaching the solar. As the solar wind would be flowing away from the Sun to fill the heliosphere, it would interact with solar system bodies, including planets in various complex ways. The nature of interaction would be determined with whether the target has generated magnetic field internally such as the Earth, Mercury and other giant outer plants or not such as the comets, the Moon, Venus and Mars. According to Zeilik (265), the solar wind whips at typically 500 km/s at the orbit of the earth with the speed varying because the wind blows in gusts. The said particles, electrons and protons would take 5 days to travel from the Sun to the Earth. As the earth swims through the resultant solar spray, Matthaeus notes that it would catch some of the particles of the solar wind in its magnetic field leading to the creation of its magnetosphere. The solar wind’s plasma, travelling as far as 100 AU, much farther than the orbit of Pluto would carry along with it remnants of the magnetic field of the Sun. It is this transported field that Zeilik (265) attributes to the formation of the magnetic field that exists between planets. This field would interact with comets forming tails, and with planets forming magnetospheres. The comets’ plasma tails and the aurorae have been noted to point away from the sun. The interaction of the solar winds with the magnetosphere through the temporary

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Operation Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Operation Analysis - Essay Example Corporate contract bookings were also increased as a result. The average revenue earned by the Business and corporate segment together amounted to 40% of total revenue in Year 1. The percentage remained constant in year 1, and the same two segments with average revenue earnings of 38% approx. also support the current revenue. The company, however, is striving hard in the marketing department to increase its leisure standard and premium sales that are expected to be increased in July due to holidays and successful marketing campaigns. Total revenues of the company were observed to be lowest in February this year with $0.8 million. This also had a negative impact on cash flows of the company. However, the subsequent increase in advertisement expenditures and holiday’s factor, the revenues were reported in this month to be equal to $1.1 million approx. with a net profit of $0.18 million. Departmental financial analysis revealed that departmental profits of the company had increased over time and this month’s departmental profits were reported to be 62% as compared to 54% last year. The growth in profit percentage was due to the cost control measures adopted in the food and beverages expenses, which successfully resulted in the total expenses to be 68% as compared to 95% in the last year. The room services in which profits net of departmental expense were 45% earned major revenues of the company. Cost control measures were also adopted in the administrative and general expenses, which resulted in a decrease of expenses to 12% as compared to 17% last year. Marketing and sales, however, were increased slightly due to the advertisement campaigns and discounts offered by the company to increase the summer sales packages. Fixed expenses of the company were reported to be performing positively, and the positive decline in total fixed expenses was observed. Fixed expenses this month were 13.4% as against 18.4% reported in

Personal, Professional, and Ethical Belief System Essay Example for Free

Personal, Professional, and Ethical Belief System Essay In the human services field, personal ethical belief systems combined with professional ethics work in partnership to guide human service professionals in unraveling ethical dilemmas. An increasing number of professionals and clients seek out to define the fundamental policies of the human services field. Humans develop an integration of values, standards, and beliefs from birth throughout life. The values, standards, and beliefs developed through life assist in characterizing personal ethical belief systems. Our personal ethical belief system unites with our professional ethics to shape the ethical decision-making process. A code of ethics is essential to organizations in the human services field. A code of ethics identifies adequate behavior, endorses high standards of practice, supplies a standard to use for self assessment, and establishes a structure for professional behaviors and responsibilities. Human service professionals promote the integrity and ethics of the profession. As a result, it is crucial for a human service professional to stay educated and knowledgeable of the theoretical basis of their ethical belief system, other theoretical ethics, ethical and legal issues, and the ethical principles of their organization. Every person possesses a core system of values. My personal ethical belief system is derived from my core system of values, the people who helped shape those values, and the decision-making factors I use today to improve them as necessary. My parents, educators, Sunday schoolteachers, preachers, administrators, God, leaders, and many others in the community help shape my values and provide the basis for my ethical belief system. I articulate values in my associations with other people when I am loyal, reliable, honest, generous, trusting, trustworthy, feel a sense of accountability for my family, friends, coworkers, community, country, and the organization where I volunteer. My parents taught me to be a Christian person and to do what is morally right in the eyes of God. I met troubled times throughout my life, but I believe because of my strong morally sound background I could take those experiences and learn from them. My parents remain amazing role models in my life. I attend church and praise God every week as a reminder of why I keep my moral values and belief system close and dear to me. I choose to continue my education on many aspects in my life to assist in governing decision-making factors. As a proud citizen of America, I realize the discrepancy relating to laws and ethics. A law is a decree or government rule prepared to punish those whom disobey. Laws are consistent, universal, published, accepted, and enforced. Ethics is a sense of what is right and wrong morally. However, there is a difference between ethics and morality. According to Anstead, S. M. (1999), â€Å"Morality refers both to the standards of behavior by which individuals are judged, and to the standards of behavior by which people in general are judged in their relationships with others. Ethics, on the other hand, encompasses the system of beliefs that supports a particular view of morality. † The law often integrates ethical standards to which society subscribes. Most ethical decisions come with extensive penalties, numerous alternatives, varied results, unsure and personal consequences. My belief system is derived from my confidence that there is more to reality than what we see. I have faith in a spiritual side of reality beyond what we can see or experience. The basis of my ethical belief system comes from my values and those whom attributed to those values including my life as a believer in God and as a Christian. My metaphysiological view of theism supports my views of ethical absolutism. I found this quote interesting and supportive of my ethical belief system. According to Worldview Dictionary (2011), â€Å"Ethical absolutism is the belief that right and wrong are unchanging, not determined by the individual or the culture; revealed by God through both general and specific revelation. † Ethical absolutism follows one universal moral standard. God is infinite, everlasting, and never-changing. God set the laws of the land therefore I must abide by what is determined by God as right and wrong. God has revealed this truth through his creation and revelation. God is absolute. God created all people as equals. As a believer in God, I serve him through service to others and my community. I take on responsibilities of helping others in my community, volunteering, and donating goods. At all times I abide by these principles: worship only God, respect people, be humble, be honest, live a moral life, be generous with time, practice my views, do not criticize, judge, or condemn, do not hold a grudge, and forgive others. I believe it is right to resist temptation while knowing that evil lurks around. I believe one-day God will return and seek judgment for his people. To live morally and ethically divine is obligatory to have eternal life. As a person and professional, I understand and acknowledge that not all human beings embrace the same views as me and I respect the views of others. In the human service profession, my personal ethical belief system helps guide the work I do as a volunteer at Wise Choices Pregnancy Resource Center (WCPRC). At WCPRC the mission is to help women make life affirming choices. The services offered are free pregnancy testing, free limited sonograms, adoption referrals, abortion education, abortion recovery programs, and earn while you learn program for baby needs. I chose this organization specifically because it supports my beliefs on pro-life. Pro-life supports my beliefs as a Christian. I advocate providing women with education and alternatives to abortion. According to Wise Choices Pregnancy Resource Center (2012), â€Å"Through the years, Wise Choices, has been able to provide various kinds of help and â€Å"counseling† to the women of Wise County and the surrounding areas. We not only help the client, but family or friends of the client, in regards to the situation the client is facing. We believe we can make a difference in the lives of women, one at a time! As a Christian woman, I think that it is important to help clients who are abortion minded or abortion vulnerable see the opportunities they have to save the life they have created. As an advocate, I ask the client if she would like the opportunity to hear the gospel. If she accepts I can share the love God has for his children including the client and her unborn child. I also have the remarkable chance to ask the client if she wants to accept Jesus as her savior from sins. I explain to my clients willing to accept and hear the gospel that they may ask God to forgive them for their sins. It is also an occasion to talk to my clients about abstinence until marriage. Each of the values listed above guides me to be an advocate for the unborn child who is defenseless in his or her right to life. Often I am met with challenges, such as a woman who is pregnant from rape or incest. It is often hard to explain to a woman with traumatic experiences that it is still important to give birth to their child even in extenuating circumstances. Some of the hardest cases come from a woman who is abortion minded or vulnerable and has no interest in hearing the gospel. I go home and pray for the client, her family, and the unborn child. As a member of the National Organization for Human Services (NOHS), the Code of Ethics is an important guidance tool in ethical dilemmas. The Code of Ethics is a set standard of conduct for human service professionals to consider in the ethical decision-making process. According to the National Organization for Human Services (2009), â€Å"Human service professionals respect the integrity and welfare of the client at all times. Each client is treated with respect, acceptance and dignity. Statement two is an ethical principle not difficult to adhere. As a human service professional the integrity and welfare of the client is my duty to advocate. I make a commitment to my client when I become his or her advocate, and that commitment involves seeking the best outcome for the welfare of my client. As a Christian I see all people as equal, and I treat others with respect and dignity at all times. It is important to remem ber that it could be me in the same situation. The NOHS Code of Ethics lists ethical principles that will not be hard to adhere. However, I found a one that might prove to be slightly difficult. According to the National Organization for Human Services (2009), â€Å"Human service educators uphold the principle of liberal education and embrace the essence of academic freedom, abstaining from inflicting their own personal views/morals on students, and allowing students the freedom to express their views without penalty, censure or ridicule, and to engage in critical thinking. † The portion of this statement that might be difficult adhering to is inflicting my own personal values if I were a human service educator. I know that I could refrain from inflicting my own personal values, but I find it would be hard. As a Christian, I think it is important to share the gospel and what it means to me. For example in an ethics class students reflect upon their ethical belief systems and where they originated from. I think if I were the educator it would be hard to refrain myself from speaking my own worldviews and morals to other students. However, as a professional it is important to follow the ethical standards set for the organization in which I am an employee, and the NOHS Code of Ethics. A Code of Ethics is guiding principles that apply to different aspects of life. Ethical standards pertain too many of the following general topics: the use of psychological tests in the courtroom, the lie detector, boundaries of competence, integrity, sexual harassment, human differences, and the legal definition of insanity. * The Use of Psychological Tests in the Courtroom- The use of psychological tests in the courtroom to support the testimony of experts ranges from commendable to problematic. There is a necessity for a reasonable practice of disclosure of psychological test information during trials and courtroom procedures, afterwards the material may be sealed. Psychological tests in the courtroom should adhere to ethical standards by telling the truth and not telling truth intentionally inaccurate. In Statement 28 of the NOHS Code of Ethics, human service professional’s responsibility to the profession is to act with integrity and honesty. My ethical belief system incorporates honesty and integrity at all times. The Lie Detector – After researching ethical standards of the lie detector, I found a Code of Ethics from the American Polygraph Association. The ethical standards stated included: rights of examinees, standards for rendering polygraph decisions, post-examination notification results, restrictions on rendering opinions, restrictions on examinations, fees, standards of reporting, advertisements, release of nonrelevant information, restrictions on examination issues, and APA oversight authority. Lie detectors establish the difference between a lie and the truth; if a person has nothing to hide a lie detector should be no problem. Lie detector use brought justice to families over the years, and continues to do so with respect to the rights of all persons who take the lie detector test. As part of my personal ethics it is essential in the justice system. In Statement 35 of the NOHS Code of Ethics, accountability is maintained by the human service professional. * Boundaries of Competence – Human service professionals are only to conduct research, teach, and provide services only within their boundaries of competence, based on personal experience, education, supervised experience, and study. Reasonable steps should be taken to ensure competence in areas emerging and training does not yet exist. My personal ethics system is important to practice my views. This relates to boundaries of competence I would not practice something I did not believe to be true. In Statement 40 of the NOHS Code of Ethics human service educators demonstrate high standards of scholarships and stay current with developments in human services. * Integrity – Accuracy, honesty, and truthfulness is a role all human service professionals abide by. Integrity is something I incorporate in my personal ethical beliefs and value system. Ethically it is wrong to steal, cheat, lie, fraud, or misrepresent a client or a friend. According to American Psychological Association (2012), â€Å"In situations in which deception may be ethically justifiable to maximize benefits and minimize harm, psychologists have a serious obligation to consider the need for, the possible consequences of, and their responsibility to correct any resulting mistrust or other harmful effects that arise from the use of such techniques. My belief in God’s written words of the Bible helps shape my ethical view on integrity. Statement five of NOHS Code of Ethics protects the integrity of client records. * Sexual Harassment – Sexual harassment is solicitation, verbal or nonverbal sexual behavior, and sexual advances. All people have a right to earn a living free from persistent and pervasive acts of sexual harassment. It is not right to threaten an employee’s self-worth, esteem, and possible advancement in the workplace. As a professional, conduct should compare to higher standards of integrity and safety in the workplace. Statement 24 of NOHS Code of Ethics states that human service professionals should report unethical behavior of colleagues. My personal ethical beliefs in this situation relate back to my Christianity and the laws of the land that an act of sexual harassment is not acting appropriately in the eyes of God. * Human Differences – Human service professionals create public trust through ethical and moral acts. Human diversity is one of those acts. It is imperative to be culturally sensitive to all individuals at all times. I promise to serve all people with the intent to protect their welfare without judgment of any kind. In my ethical beliefs God is the judge, and he will return to do that one day. Statement two of the Code of Ethics for NOHS says human service professionals treat clients with respect and respect their welfare, and Statement 20 refers to diverse backgrounds. * The Legal Definition of Insanity – In my ethical belief system a person who commits an act out of insanity is still responsible for what he or she has done. It is one’s duty to do what is morally right. Questions of right and wrong are paramount, and therefore as I believe absolute. Statement 37 of the NOHS Code of Ethics addresses the need for lifelong learning, and I relate that to this case as a responsibility the human service professional has to its client, as the person who commits a crime out of insanity has a responsibility to pay the consequences. As a member of Team C throughout this course relating to ethics and law in the human services profession we did a team presentation on deontology theory, as presented earlier in the paper. According to Alexander and Moore (2008), â€Å"The word deontology derives from the Greek words for duty (deon) and science (or study) of (logos). This normative theory concentrates on what she should do from a moral standpoint. Deontology is a theory that helps to guide and access our choices in what we ought to do. † Deontology theory assumes at least three important features. The first feature concludes that duty should be done for duty’s sake. An example, acts of promise breaking, lying, or murder are wrong intrinsically, and it is the duty of humans not to do these things. Second, humans ought to be treated as subjects of intrinsic moral value; meaning an ends in themselves and never as a mere means to another end. The third feature is a moral principle is a definite essential that is universalizable; meaning it must be applicable for everyone whom is in the same moral situation. The theoretical basis of my personal ethical belief system falls under the deontology theory. Deontological theory claims the moral rightness or wrongness of an action does not depend upon the nature of its consequences, but on its intrinsic qualities. Deontology theory was founded by Immanuel Kant. Kant was motivated by the lack of a role for duty in Utilitarianism, something he believed to be the foundation of all morality. Deontology supports moral absolutism. Actions are either moral or immoral regardless of the beliefs of an individual, society, or culture. Morals of the universe are intrinsic in the laws of the universe and the nature of humanity. Therefore, the theoretical basis of my personal belief system as a Christian is supported by deontology theory. My belief in God supports ethical absolutism, deontology, and my personal ethical belief system.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Simply Recipes Business Plan The App Marketing Essay

Simply Recipes Business Plan The App Marketing Essay Simply Recipes app is the next step in food recipe apps, and unlike anything currently on the market today. The goal of this app is to save users money while at the same time reducing food wastage and getting its users eating healthier. Its an easy and straight forward app that anyone can use and enjoy. One of the unique selling points of this app is the ability to select what items you have left in your fridge and the app will come up with recipes that will use as many of those ingredients up as possible. So if all you have left in your fridge is say an avocado, some goats cheese and beef, it will find recipes encompassing as many of these ingredients as possible. The healthy aspect comes in when browsing recipes that will contain nutritional information on how healthy the recipe is. If you are still in need of some ingredients it will create a shopping basket automatically for your desired ingredients and show the user deals and offers for the required ingredients at several supermarkets. This would allow the user to go to a store nearby to pick up your order or have it home delivered. As not all the items your want would be part of a recipe, or you may want to add something to the dish, the app would also gives the user an option to purchase any other items they require from the chosen supermarket sells. Mission Simply Recipes is looking to become the next kitchen essential, and the next stage in how people find out and access recipes. The mission is not only to have a simple to use app but to have a vast amount of choice available to its consumers. We want a fair profit for the owners and supermarket chains who sign up, while having a rewarding place for the employees to work. While at the same time being green and helping people reduce wastage and save money. Objectives Simply Recipes objectives for the first 5 years of operation include: Expanding into new customer segments. Introducing new celebrity chefs to the application. Keeping Employee Costs below 25% of revenue. To maintain a profit. Help People maintain a healthier lifestyle. Keys To Success The creation of a unique and innovative recipe app with many unique features, that differentiate us from the competition. Simple and easy to use app. Many discounts and offers to our customers. Large Amount of Monthly Active Users. To get several of the large supermarkets signed up to Simply Recipes. Several Celebrity Chefs signed up to Simply Recipes. Controlling Costs at all times without exception. Key Partners The first key partners we expect to obtain would be the companies that manage and maintain the app stores for the mobile operating system such as Google and Apple. These partners would give Simply Recipes a simple and effective method of distributing the app to potential customers. These partners would also give a simple and effective method of collecting users subscription fees, explained in more detail in the revenue section. Other key partners would include supermarket chains such as Tesco, Asda and Sainsburys, as this is where the users of the app would be purchasing their ingredients from. Having a close connection with these partners will help provide our customers with the greatest possible selection of ingredients and offers. While at the same time we will be able to provide the supermarket chains a better understanding of what its customers require. Key Activities Simply recipes will keep a keen eye on the maintenance and future development of the app. We will make sure it continues to function correctly and remains bug free. This will ensure its users have the best possible experience while using the application. As users will have the ability to upload their own content, we would like to have these recipes to have the recipes displaying their nutritional information such as how much fat, salt, etc is in the meal. The users of the app may be unaware of this information. So Simply Recipes plans on updating and maintaining this information for its users. We would also like to reward our customers who use the app regularly by uploading their own content and use it to purchase their weekly shop. To do this we will need to continually be looking for potential offers for our customers, whether they be free subscription to the app, restaurant/ supermarket vouchers etc. Key Resources To maintain Simply Recipes we will need a few key resources. One of these is computers to maintain and update the application. To distribute the app through the various application stores an internet connection will also be required. We currently have one member of our team who is technically minded so will be in charge of the development and maintenance of the application. We currently have three members of our team who are incredibly knowledgeable about the nutritional information in food. But as the application expands and more users upload their content they may not be able to handle the volumes so other nutritionists will need to be recruited. Value Propositions What are we selling? For the app user we would be offering them a vast amount of high quality recipes, and a highly discounted rate to those found in a recipe book. While at the same point having many unique features not currently found in current mobile recipe apps, such as the ability to enter several ingredients and the app will bring up recipes using as many of those ingredients as possible. Reducing wastage and saving the user money in the process. Another feature that you wont find in any other recipe app, is that if the user likes a recipe they can add the required ingredients in the recipe straight to a shopping basket. For the supermarket, we will be offering a large amount on active monthly users, enthusiastic cooks who are looking to cook something new. By giving supermarkets a chance to get closer to their customers they will receive a better understanding of what customers are buying and what items, if any, they should begin to stock. It will also give supermarkets a easy and cheap way to advertise what food and drink they currently have on offer. Finances Revenue Revenue will be created in several ways. The first method will be by charging the users a small subscription fee of around  £0.79. The reason why this price will be introduced at this rate as in our market research it has shown what people would be willing to pay for such a service, shown in Figure [1]. Figure [1] Subscription Price The majority of our revenue will come from the supermarkets. By allowing users to purchase the ingredients they require directly from supermarkets we would ask the supermarkets for a small cut of the profits they make from the transaction. In 2012 Tescos PLC was operating on a 6.1% profit margin [7], meaning a family of 4 spending  £100 a week on food Tesco would see  £6.10 of that. We would be asking Tescos for a 10% cut on their profit they receive through the app, resulting in Simply Recipes receiving around  £0.61. If we manage to achieve the 10,000 active monthly users at the beginning of the first year that could bring in revenue of up to  £317,200 from the supermarkets alone. We are looking at the end of year 5 to have around 60,000 monthly active users with around 70,000 that use the app for special occasions. This projection would bring in revenue of anywhere up to  £1,305,400. For users wishing to purchase a subscription to the app many of the Mobile operating systems allow users to purchase this through the operating systems designated application store. Then the company in charge of the app store pays the developer at the end or beginning of each month taking a cut of around 30% [2]. So for a  £0.79 subscription fee per user Simply Recipes would receive  £0.553 per month per user. This is a good way of collecting users fees as it can make users feel more comfortable with the transaction, as many people feel uncomfortable giving their card details to new websites/ Apps they are unfamiliar with. For users purchasing their shopping the users can purchase this in App, using either a debit or credit card. This purchase will be forwarded initially onto the supermarket with them returning the 10% of their profit to Simply Recipes. Below is a short breakdown of the where the revenue we plan on generating comes from: Revenue Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Investment 50000 0 0 0 0 Supermarkets 152500 228750 305000 457500 915000 Subscription 18960 3950 6320 15800 35550 221460 232700 311320 473300 950550 Costs The main cost for start up of Simply recipes will be the development of the app. This will be a one off cost for the initial start-up of the app, but a running cost will need to put into place of around to maintain the app keeping it up to date and bug free. As users will be able to upload and download recipes a server will initially need to hired to have some where the recipes can be stored for uploading and downloading. This will become a running cost for the first 5 years, where we would be looking to purchase a server for the company. To remove this running cost, and allow Simply Recipes to have easier access to the content its users are uploading. Once the first year of trading is complete and recruitment is required, Simply recipes will locate to a rented office. Another major cost in developing the app is advertising as without it people will be unlikely to hear about Simply Recipes. Below if a short break down of where the major costs of the business will be going: Expenses Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Wages 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 Total Bills 20000 8000 8000 8000 8000 Advertising 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 Rent 300 300 300 300 600 190300 208300 258300 308300 358600 Profit Simply Recipes is looking to help people lead a healthier and more productive lifestyle. By providing its users with a quick and simply to use app, it can help people tackle the problems that come with unhealthy eating such as diabetes and obesity. Modern society is beginning to prefer companies and individuals who have a greener attitude. Simply Recipes aim to become other company with the ambition of offering its users a great product while at the same time helping out the environment. By helping people come up with recipes with the ingredients that have lying around will reducing the amount of food and package wastage each household produces, while at the same time reducing the expenditure on their weekly shop. We are also looking to turn over a profit, which grows with each year of trading. Allowing us to expand the apps capabilities and what Simply Recipes can offer its customers. Below is what we are looking to make in the first 5 years of trading. Profit Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Revenue  £221,460.00  £232,700.00  £311,320.00  £473,300.00  £950,550.00 Expenses  £190,300.00  £208,300.00  £258,300.00  £308,300.00  £358,600.00  £31,160.00  £24,400.00  £53,020.00  £165,000.00  £591,950.00 Figure [2] Profit Channels The way to deliver apps to customers currently for the majority of mobile platforms is through there designated app store. For apple that would be the iOS app store [2], for Google the Google Play store [4] and for Windows phone the Windows Marketplace [6]. These stores allow users to find the application quickly and easily. So we will be submitting versions on the app to these stores to allow quick and easy access to the app. For Googles Android operating system their app store is not the only place that their users can access apps from, they can also be accessed from sites such as Amazon Apps [1]. Therefore Simply Recipes will be uploaded to these stores as well. Typing up recipes on a mobile device is tiresome and can take much longer than a desktop counterpart. So we would be looking in the future to have a website counterpart to the app. That would have similar functionality to that of the app. So people gain knowledge of Simply Apps quickly, we are aiming to advertise Simply Recipes in students campus news papers and news papers such at metro to attract business men and women. Customer Segments There are several different types of customers who are likely to use the app. Initially it will be aimed at the student market and the busy business men and women who dont have much free time so tend to look for meals that are quick and healthy, while at the same time trying to save some money. We would be looking in the future to expand the customer segments in the future to having recipes specific to users dietary requirements such as if they are diabetic or cant eat gluten. Its often hard to find a good set menu for dinner parties so this is another area which Simply Recipes would like to expand on. Our market research showed that the most common meal people make at home was dinner, shown in Figure [3], so this is the meal the Simply Recipes app will try to include the most content for. Figure [3] Meal Usually Cooked At Home Customer Relationships Customer relationships will be maintained in several ways. The first is by allowing users to easily upload and share their own recipes and rate others on theirs, to give the app a greater sense of community. The second will be by offering users special offers such as a free upgrade of the app to the premium service, money off their desired supermarket or even the chance for vouchers on meals out. The more the users uses the app for purchasing their weekly shop or even by uploading their own content the more discounts and offers they will receive. The final way this app aims to maintain a good customer relationship is by having a celebrity chef section. People buy many celebrity chef books, the size of the cookbook market in the US was around $1billion in 2011 [4].

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay --

Should we always act rationally? Rationality is the practice of acting by reason, yet reason is variable and individual specific. Reason means in accordance with the facts of reality while the alternative would be acting by impulse. This result is an undesired consequence and in result is irrational due to the action being based upon belief. Reason is man’s mean of survival, having the mindset of not making the right decisions challenges the ability to live. Additionally, a consequence of acting irrationally is that it weakens the ability to act rational in the future. Upon choosing to act irrationally, one is acknowledging a lack of trust within the mind; repeated actions or irrationality will result in a belief of one’s practice. Man’s basic vice is suspension of his consciousness or having an unfocused mind resulting in refusal to know. Also, commonly used terms include stating something is rather rational or quite rational implying that rationality is a matter of degree. Now, we sometimes assess the rationality of a given decision. Indeed, we very often do in the sense that if ...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Alamo :: essays research papers

Originally named Misià ³n San Antonio de Valero, the Alamo served as home to missionaries and their Indian converts for nearly seventy years. Construction began on the present site in 1724. In 1793, Spanish officials sectioned off San Antonio's five missions and distributed their lands to the remaining Indian residents. These men and women continued to farm the fields — once the mission's but now their own — and participated in the growing community of San Antonio. In the early 1800s, the Spanish military stationed a cavalry unit at the former mission. The soldiers referred to the old mission as the Alamo (the Spanish word for "cottonwood") in honor of their hometown Alamo de Parras, Coahuila. The post's commander established the first recorded hospital in Texas in the Long Barrack. The Alamo was home to both Revolutionaries and Royalists during Mexico's ten-year struggle for independence. The military — Spanish, Rebel, and then Mexican — continued to occupy the Alamo until the Texas Revolution. San Antonio and the Alamo played a critical role in the Texas Revolution. In December 1835, Ben Milam led Texian and Tejano volunteers against Mexican troops quartered in the city. After five days of house-to-house fighting, they forced General Marà ­n Perfecto de Cà ³s and his soldiers to surrender. The victorious volunteers then occupied the Alamo — already fortified prior to the battle by Cà ³s' men — and strengthened its defenses. On February 23, 1836, the arrival of General Antonio Là ³pez de Santa Anna's army outside San Antonio nearly caught them by surprise. Undaunted, the Texians and Tejanos prepared to defend the Alamo together. The defenders held out for 13 days against Santa Anna's army. William B. Travis, the commander of the Alamo sent forth couriers carrying pleas for help to communities in Texas. On the eighth day of the siege, a band of 32 volunteers from Gonzales arrived, bringing the number of defenders to nearly two hundred. Legend holds that with the possibility of additional help fading, Colonel Travis drew a line on the ground and asked any man willing to stay and fight to step over — all except one did. As the defenders saw it, the Alamo was the key to the defense of Texas, and they were ready to give their lives rather than surrender their position to General Santa Anna. Among the Alamo's garrison were Jim Bowie, renowned knife fighter, and David Crockett, famed frontiersman and fo rmer congressman from Tennessee.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Is Graffiti an Art or a Crime Essay

Through the years, people have expressed themselves in different ways and manners. Some have chosen photography, drawings or sculpture. Others came up with new ways like graffiti which is a new form of urban expression that made controversial reactions. I believe that some graffiti is an artistic performance because of its expressive nature, beautiful display, and creative ways. The rest of it reveals a criminal behavior since it uses others’ properties without permission or consideration, harms the urban landscape, and sends negative messages. The major differences between both perceptions are the aim of the taggers and location of the tags. On the one hand, taggers have produced beautiful and expressive pieces that people appreciated. During a class trip to 5 Pointz, an outdoor art exhibit space in Long Island City, New York, where graffiti is permitted and regulated. I stood for few minutes in front of a tag of ghostly skulls surrounded by flames (The Picture). The skulls had an expression on their skinless faces that made me feel like hearing the sound of those portrayed people as if they were screaming out in pain with the sound of evil laughter in the background. This mixture of its beauty and livelihood made me and my classmates enjoy the experience. In addition, after admiring the excellence of the tags, I thought that those taggers must be very talented and creative to come up with such beautiful artworks, especially on those large surfaces and hard-to-reach places, bearing in mind that they’re only using spray paint. It makes you wonder how they could make all those fading colors and shades, and transform bare walls into three dimensional objects. They certainly are very creative and highly skilled. Before leaving the site, I noticed that there was a transportation corporation that actually had graffiti artists tag its wall with trucks to make it more appealing to commuters, which affirms that people do like and appreciate this art as long as it belongs where it is permitted. On the other hand, I denounce the effect that graffiti has had and continues to have on our urban landscape. That’s where it gets associated with vandalism, because instead of tagging specified places, taggers choose train cars, bridges and public walls, which make the cities look messy and hasty, forcing the authorities to spend unnecessary money to paint them over. Furthermore, most of graffiti, especially those done discretely and with no permission display gang names, obscene language and silly drawings which make many people think of it as crime and violence. In McCann’s novel Let the Great World Spin, Ciaran was accompanying his brother and looked across the van window to a church, and said â€Å"It was daubed in graffiti—whites, yellows, reds, silvers. TAGS 173. GRACO 76. The stained- glass windows had been broken with small stones. Even the cross on top was tagged. † (McCann, 34). When he said that even the cross was tagged, I thought that they were making a statement that their pride and art are above religion, and thus above other people’s beliefs and feelings. Graffitists were invading every surface, including sacred and religious ones. It seemed that they find their pleasure in what annoys and bothers their community, just like the person who gets pleasure in consuming drugs that are poisoning his own body. They leave others clean up, deal with the trauma of property damage, and wonder why their property became a target, whether it was hate and racism act, or just a tool in somebody’s careless adventure. Whereas many people find it hard to categorize graffiti, I think that the taggers are the ones who make of it an art or a crime based on their purposes and the locations they use. For instance, when I come across a tag that catches my eye, even if it is visually pleasant, it bothers me a lot to see that the tagger made it with the intent of defying the authorities, damaging public or private property, or just challenging and cursing his rivals, instead of making it to express himself and display his high talent. It loses its artistic value and becomes a cheap tool for his malicious intentions. I also believe that it depends heavily on where they’re putting up their work. If a graffitist uses the walls of my building without my permission, I would not be happy, and I certainly would not consider that as an artistic act, but as a reckless behavior showing disrespect. It is just as if someone rode your bike, without your permission, to perform some stunts and then brought it back to you and expected you to appreciate that. That is insane. Inversely, if the tagger performs on a spot where it is regulated and permitted (like the 5 Pointz site), I would get to see his pieces from a positive perspective. In conclusion, graffiti is basically an artistic performance that contains talent and aesthetic vision. It also is very expressive and meaningful. But, some taggers use individuals’ and public properties without their permission displaying gang-like negative messages and vandalizing our urban scenery which makes many of it considered as a criminal act. What distinguishes between graffiti being art and graffiti as an act of vandalism is the intent of its producers and the spots they chose to display their pieces. As people continue to live, there will continue to be inventions of new methods of social expression.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

College and Herb Block Foundation

Of all your courses, activities, internships, and work experience, which one did you ? nd most rewarding or personally satisfying? Explain why. The most rewarding work experience that I have had was to work as a volunteer for the International office at Northern Virginia Community College. Personally, I considered volunteering responsible work because it requires time effort and commitment. Working as a volunteer with the International Office was meaningful to me because I was able to assist so many students in achieving their dream of obtaining an American college education.I was able to help the International Students and to give them a better understanding of the resources that NOVA offers to international students. Furthermore, my responsibility was to arrange student get-togethers and in so doing build a sense of community and cohesion. My purpose for volunteering was to assist international students, many of whom are away from home with very little support at a very young age, with making a smooth transition in to a new coulter. This is particularly important to me because I am a dual citizen of America and Pakistan and understand the difficulty of assimilating into a new culture.FUTURE GOALS Based on your current achievements and interests, describe the kind of work that you plan to be doing in 10 years, both in your career and in your community. My goal is to get my Masters in Information System and Operation Management (ISOM). I chose this major because I have strong curiosity to learn about Information System Technology. However, I am also interested in business. I am excited about my major because ISOM, which is a mixture of IT and business, will prepare me to be successful in the future.Furthermore, in 10 years, I hope to be working with Multi Complex Corporations well established in a successful career, after earning Masters in (ISOM) Information System and Operational Management. I am very confident that in next 10 years, I will be in a position t hat will to utilize my talents and use my skills to solve important problems facing our world today. I see myself inviting new and exciting challenges in ISOM field. Also, I believe that throughout my study I will be able to help my community by providing them information about IT skills and about its advantages which would encourage young people to learn more about it.How has a family member, mentor, or personal experience been in? uential in your life? My personal experience and family background have a strong influence on me and on my education. I am motivated to graduate college because neither of my parents graduated from college. I am only the second person in my family to attend college and hopping to achieve my goal of obtaining my Associates of Science in Information Technology and then attending a four years institution. Moreover, the hard work of my parents has always inspires me.In addition, I am very thankful to them for supporting me in my efforts in of obtaining an ed ucation. Form my cultural background perspective, very often girls are not allowed to get an education but I really appreciate my family for providing me the opportunity to get a good education so I can have a brighter future. In 2012, I graduated with 3. 8 GPA form T. C Willims’s high school and last semester at NOVA I finished with a 3. 4 GPA. I am very passionate about my studies.However, my financial situation has proven to be an obstacle in my pursuit of academic success. My financial situation does not allow me to focus solely on my academics; this is why I am applying for the Herb Block Foundation Scholarships. I hope through this scholarship, I will be able to finish my community college career without finances being a barrier to my success. With the help of the Herb Block Foundation I will forge a brighter future my family my community and myself and ultimately the world at large.